Citizen Advocacy

When we talk about what Citizen Advocacy is, we often find ourselves talking about what it isn’t. It isn’t an extension of government bureaucracy. It isn’t a religious or political group. It certainly isn’t a complaints service.
We are a group of local people who care for and value other people in the community. We focus on those members of the community who have intellectual disability, are often neglected, vulnerable and alone, and who need someone to speak up for them and represent their interests.
Become a Citizen

If you have an interest in social justice and agree that people with intellectual disability should be valued and included in our society, then please read on …
Be inspired, stories of advocates in action

You may not be able to change the world … but you can change the world for one person. There are many and various stories of how Citizen Advocates have made a difference in the lives of people with a disability.
A competent citizen, who is unpaid, creates a relationship with a person who has an intellectual disability and chooses to understand and to meet some of that person’s needs and to represent that person’s interests as if they were their own.