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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The people who use the services of, or are involved with Sunshine Coast Citizen Advocacy (SCCA) will at all times be treated in a way that respects their right to privacy in personal matters.

Interviews and discussions will be private and the records that are kept will remain confidential to the Program. Records will be kept in a locked filing cabinet.

Each person has the right to know what information is being kept about himself/herself, why it is needed and who has access to that information. All people have the right to have a copy of their personal record if they wish.

No information will be given to other agencies or outside people without the person’s written permission or the written permission of someone else authorised by that person.

SCCA staff / representatives must obtain verbal or other permission to discuss any aspect of  the person’s situation with another agency or person.

Records are kept by SCCA for five years after their last contact with a person and are then destroyed in such a way that confidentiality is not at risk of being broken.